First Article

Random Thought

Hi, I'm Adesanya and I'm writing my first tech blog post. At the moment I don't know what to write and I'm a bit skeptical about this. But, I want to do this and will put my best at it.

I'm currently learning Javascript which has been very tough, I keep going back to the basics over and over again, searching the internet on the best way to learn Javascript and haven't found anything solid. I think that should be one of my topic to write about soon.

I'm hoping to have an exciting journey getting into technical writing.

I made up my mind this morning to follow up with two great materials I have found and I feel this might help you if you are getting overwhelmed with the materials to learn Javascript too, check them out.

30 days of JavaScript with Asabeneh

Will be running that simultaneously with Wes's JavaScript 30 , building 30 projects in 30 days with Vanilla JavaScript.

And will be here more frequently too.

Wish me well and your advices are welcome.